5S at Graniterock

What is 5S?

5S is a proven method to establish and maintain a clean, safe, efficient and disciplined workplace.

The five steps of 5S are:
Sort: Remove all of the clutter from the workplace
Straighten: Organize all tools, materials and equipment in an efficient and ergonomic manner.
Shine: Clean up the entire area by removing all dirt.
Standardize: Ensure standard ways of working for the first three stages.
Sustain: Ensure that 5S principles are part of the culture of the business.

5s at Graniterock


A sustained 5S process/system can bring significant benefits:

  • Safer, cleaner work areas – A clean and organized work area reduces tripping hazards and other dangers.
  • Less wasted time through better organization - People need less time to search for tools and materials when they are accessible and orderly. It has been shown that efficiency gains of 10-30 percent can be achieved through 5S.
  • Less space - Work space is dramatically reduced when unneeded items are eliminated and needed ones are organized.
  • Improved self-discipline – The 5S system makes abnormal conditions noticeable and hard to ignore.
  • Improved culture – 5S fosters better teamwork and enthusiasm.

People prefer to work in a well-organized and clean environment. They feel better about themselves and their work, and they achieve the self-discipline often found in winning teams.

Success Stories

We have successfully implemented 5S at many of our locations