After 50 years, Graniterock’s 5½ yard mixer truck comes home.
Posted by Jim West on Mar 18, 2015
After 50 years, Graniterock’s 5½ yard mixer truck comes home. In the early 1950s, Graniterock purchased ten 1944 surplus military trucks from United States Navy, turning them into 5½ yard concrete ready mix trucks, which were suited perfectly for deliveries in challenging situations. It appears that Graniterock’s “Yes We Will” policy has a long history.

These trucks are referred to as 6X6s by the military, because a driver could lock power to all six sets of wheel—these trucks were the ultimate off-road vehicle. Powered by a six cylinder, 450 cubic inch, high-torque engine, these mixers could fight their way through almost anything while hauling 5½ yard of ready-mix concrete. They helped our GIs win WWII and helped Graniterock win satisfied customers throughout the rugged Santa Cruz Mountains. The paint and company signs may be faded and the front bumper bent, but Graniterock’s 67 year-old #180 transit mixer still runs and was driven onto the low bed trailer for the ride home to join in the Company’s other historical vehicles. This is a great new addition to the historical fleet that Graniterock maintains, including a 1950 2-yard concrete mixer truck, #138, that is often referred to as ‘cute’, a 1928 Model AA pick-up truck, and working rollers, graders, and all the vehicles in the works which stand as a valuable symbol of Graniterock’s long history of quality construction in the Bay Area and represents the Company’s commitment to a strong and successful future.

These trucks are referred to as 6X6s by the military, because a driver could lock power to all six sets of wheel—these trucks were the ultimate off-road vehicle. Powered by a six cylinder, 450 cubic inch, high-torque engine, these mixers could fight their way through almost anything while hauling 5½ yard of ready-mix concrete. They helped our GIs win WWII and helped Graniterock win satisfied customers throughout the rugged Santa Cruz Mountains. The paint and company signs may be faded and the front bumper bent, but Graniterock’s 67 year-old #180 transit mixer still runs and was driven onto the low bed trailer for the ride home to join in the Company’s other historical vehicles. This is a great new addition to the historical fleet that Graniterock maintains, including a 1950 2-yard concrete mixer truck, #138, that is often referred to as ‘cute’, a 1928 Model AA pick-up truck, and working rollers, graders, and all the vehicles in the works which stand as a valuable symbol of Graniterock’s long history of quality construction in the Bay Area and represents the Company’s commitment to a strong and successful future.
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