BWW Algebra Academy students split between boys and girls

Bruce W. Woolpert Algebra Academy 2015 gets started on strong note

Posted by Shanna Crigger on Aug 5, 2015


The Bruce W. Woolpert Algebra Academy started this morning with speakers from Graniterock employees who shared how they use math on the job.

The nearly 120 teens from schools in San Benito, Monterey and Santa Cruz counties will have a head start on math when school begins next week. Academy instructors have come from UC Santa Cruz and CSU Monterey Bay. One notable teaching assistant is a Pajaro Valley High School student, Yuliana Camarena, who graduated from the Academy four years ago.

Academy students are split half and half between boys and girls. 

Each student went through an application process and were referred by their teachers for admission to the Academy.

Stay tuned for more updates, including next week's field trip to CSUMB.


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