Santana Noble of Santana Paving and Grading, Inc.
Posted by Jason Sanchez on Mar 18, 2015

Pavement maintenance is the company's core business, but along the way if a customer needs another project done, Santana's goal is to fulfill the request and delight his customers in the process. He does this by supporting his employees to get specialized training, such as installation techniques for permeable pavers and pervious concrete, or he will find someone who has the skills to deliver the best results. He takes pride in every job and strives for perfection. Anything from ADA installations and Allen block walls to tennis court resurfacing or underground work, Santana Paving and Grading is ready to tackle the job.
Santana particularly enjoys very challenging projects. He recalls a hillside and slope repair in Santa Clara County. "We had to rappel down the slope double tied off on trees, with spikes placed every 12 inches." Another memorable job was the U.S. Open Golf Tournament, when Santana Paving and Grading opened Highway 35 and provided tournament bus parking. "I won't say no to a customer, I always say yes. Then I figure out how to get the job done," says Santana. By fostering great customer relationships, he is able to build business by word of mouth, gaining referrals from satisfied customers throughout the region.
Asked how he learned the industry, Santana said it was a combination of common sense and asking a lot of questions. He stresses constant job site visits as a best management practice. "I am always around the job site and watching what is going on," he says with a passion for the work that clearly runs deep.
Santana grew up in Santa Cruz, graduated from Harbor High and during his youth developed a name for himself as an outstanding athlete. He still likes to play basketball as a hobby, and when asked if he passes or shoots more often in pick-up games, he says, "I always pass...unless it's game point." He has used this kind of competitive spirit and drive for excellence to build a business with a reputation for superior customer service.
Relationships are also important to Santana, and he credits mentors who have taught him important lessons. "Be passionate about what you do, do what you say you are going to do, and follow through on your commitments," he said. Santana credits his ability to get to the root of what the customer wants and delivering desired results as the keys to repeat business.
Preferring to work with private customers, Santana specializes in providing immediate results. Responsiveness to customer needs, proactive scheduling, successful materials placement and quick turnaround times are central to his business. "I need to make sure each job is done to customer standards, so I am personally involved with every job," he says. "I'm happy with what I do, and I enjoy having happy customers."
Santana and his wife Marcie, who does books and invoicing for the business, have four children -Braylon, 8, Alexis, 10, McKenzie, 15, and Cassidy, 19. The younger kids enjoy sports, and Santana makes sure to be there when they compete. "I'm learning to let go a bit because I know they'll grow up fast," he said. "So I go to all their games."
Santana Paving and Grading is an active partner in Granite Advantage, Graniterock's marketing partnership program. The Granite Advantage program helps him stay competitive with shared customer referrals, jobsite signage and logos along with Graniterock's quality aggregates, asphalt, concrete and building materials products. Santana's valuable feedback to account managers at Graniterock sales seminars and his open communication style have helped us work together to provide customers the best service possible.
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