Algebra Academy - Santa Cruz
Graniterock recognizes the importance of academic achievement and of giving back to the community so the Algebra Academy was implemented. The Algebra Academy is a week-long program of intensive math instruction for seventh and eighth grade students. This year, Graniterock had forty-one students from Rolling Hills Middle School and Aromas school who received instruction from CSUMB professors and listened to presentations by Graniterock Team Members on the importance of mathematics. At the end of the session, Graniterock hosted Algebra Academy graduates and their families for a celebration of their accomplishments during their math instruction.
View articles:
Getting a mathematical boost
from the Register Pajaronian, August 12, 2013
Graniterock hosts fourth annual Algebra Academy
from Aggregates Manager
View articles:
Getting a mathematical boost
from the Register Pajaronian, August 12, 2013
Graniterock hosts fourth annual Algebra Academy
from Aggregates Manager
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