Highway 1/17 Merge Lanes
Route 1/17 Widening for Merge LanesOwner: Caltrans
The Highway 1/17 Merge Lanes Project is a joint venture between Graniterock’s Graniterock Construction Division and CC Myers, Inc.
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Project Purpose
This is the biggest upgrade of the busy Highway 1/17 interchange since it was built over 40 years ago. The project will address localized safety and operational deficiencies.
Motorists traveling northbound on Route 1 and southbound on Route 17 must navigate the 1/17 interchange through loop ramps and difficult merges. The traffic volumes through the interchange have surpassed the original design volumes, resulting in congestion,inefficient traffic flow and accidents.
Project Description
The improvement project will add merge lanes to the connection between northbound Route 1 and northbound Route 17, and to southbound Route 1 through the 1/17 interchange. Existing bridge structures will be widened or replaced, and sound walls constructed. The project area will be landscaped with redwoods, live oaks, and vines playing a prominent role in the planting design.
Construction Cost: $48 million
Funding Sources: The project is proposed to be funded through the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
Project Timeline
Anticipated Construction Start: Spring 2006
Construction Complete: Late 2008
Caltrans Phone: 831.423.0396 (M–F, 8–5)
City of Santa Cruz Phone: 831.420.5158
24 Hour Project Hotline: 888.836.0866
Commute Solutions: 831.429.POOL