Aromas Research Technical Services

1900 Quarry Road, End of Quarry Road
PO Box 699
Aromas, CA 95004-9601
Phone: 831.768.2000
Fax: 831.768.2403
Administrative Assistant: 831.768.2332

Branch Hours

M–F: 7:00 am – 4:30 pm

Branch Products & Services

  • Provides technical support to all of our:
    • aggregate production facilities and maintain a statistical process control report on all aggregates produced from Wilson Quarry, Southside Sand and Gravel, Quail Hollow, and Santa Cruz Sand Plant.
    • seven Concrete plants and monitor strength quality and provide mix designs and submittals to all Graniterock customers. All of our technicians are ACI Certified Grade 1 or better.
    • five Asphalt Plants with statistical process control. With Asphalt QC/QA specifications we have worked close with Cal-Trans to ensure that our asphalt meets all the specifications of today’s high performance asphalt. All of our technicians are Cal-Trans QC/QA certified acceptance testers.
  • Our staff is divided up throughout Graniterock locations with labs in Aromas, San Jose, Redwood City and South San Francisco