Southside Sand & Gravel - Hollister
5632 Airline Highway
Hollister, CA 95023-9642
Scalehouse: 831.630.3200
Sales: 831.630.3200
Branch Hours
M–F: 6:00 am – 2:30 pm
Branch Products & Services
- Concrete Aggregates
- 1 ½" × ¾"
- 1" × #4
- Pea Gravel
- Concrete Sand
- Stucco Sand
- Drainage Materials
- 1 ½" Drain Rock
- ¾" Drain
- Fill Sand
- Caltrans Class 2 Permeable
- Other Aggregate Products
- Rancher’s Baserock
- Granite Rock Fines
- Arena Sand
- Streambed Gravel Blend
High Quality Sand and Gravel are available at the Southside Sand and Gravel Plant. Once harvested from the Tres Pinos Creek, this sand and gravel is processed for use as Concrete Aggregate and Drainage Material. Expanded loading hours are available. Please call the Weighmaster at 831.630.3200.
Graniterock Delivered Aggregate Program
Delivery of the products listed above is available through Graniterock Transportation 831.630.3200.