Aromas Transportation Division
1900 Quarry Road, End of Quarry Road
PO Box 699
Aromas, CA 95004-9601
Operations Manager, Nick Barrett
Dispatch: 831.768.2350
Branch Hours
M–F: 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Branch Products & Services
- Graniterock Transportation Services offers a wide variety of high-quality delivered products
- Rock products from various sources in Northern California
- Sand and gravel
- Asphaltic Concrete
- Recycled products and waste products
- Top soil & landscaping products
- Commitment to Customer Service
- Radio-dispatched aggregate delivery trucks:
- bottom dump
- end dump
- transfer units
- Reliable, experienced and courteous drivers
- Dispatchers providing professional advice and expertise
- One stop shopping: materials and delivery with one phone call
- Fleet of rail cars to deliver large volumes of rock products
- After hours voice mail service
- Job site visits