Peninsula Road Materials
365 Blomquist Street
Redwood City, CA 94063-2701
Business Manager, Stuart Mager: 650.482.3802
Weighmaster: 650.482.3813
Dispatch: 650.482.3850
Branch Hours
M–F: 7:00 am – 3:30 pm
Branch Products & Services
- Asphalt Emulsions
- Tack Coats
- Prime Coats
- Chip Seals
- CTB Curing Seals
- Fog Seals
- Caltrans Section 39 Slurry Seals
- AR-4000 and AR-8000 Asphalt Cements
- Fabric Application Bars (FABS)
- Granite Seal Asphalt Sealer
- Distributor Truck Fleet
- SC-70 Road Oil
- Oil Spray Pot Rentals
- Paving Fabric Sales
- Crackfillers
- Asphaltic Concrete
- Mixes designed to meet city, Caltrans, and Marshall Mix Specifications
- 100% Crushed Aggregate provides greater stability
- Highest R-Value assures durability
- High production from multiple plant sites
- Development of custom products such as Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA), rubberized asphalt, and GranitePatch, a permanent one-step patching material approved by Caltrans and used rain or shine in pothole repair or street patching.